Chapter 85: Indulge
“Youn ster, do you love ?” “公子,你喜欢我吗?” Althouh she asked with a sle, her heart was filled with disust and disdain for the roup of youn sters around her, as none of thewere ood people. Frowhat she had seen, these individuals were diocre and had no rits. She usually wouldn\''''t spare thea lance, but now, she just wanted to indule herself. 她虽然笑着在问,但是内心是无比的厌恶和瞧不起身边这群公子,因为这几人没有一个好东西,自己所见人当中这几个人非常平庸,毫无任何优点,往常自己对这些人是不屑一顾的,可是现在她只想放纵自己。 The youn sters were delihted to have the faus courtesan by their side, drinkin wine with the 几位公子都非常高兴有远近闻名的名妓陪伴,她和众人喝着酒。 She didn’t care to reer the nas of these youn sters, even if they introduced theelves. 这几位公子不知道姓啥名谁,即使他们都各自报了名字她也不屑于去记住。 To her, they were nothin but weak scholars with a beastly nature. Althouh they ht have had sinister intentions, she was unafraid of bullyin. 对她来说,这几个就是人面兽心的文弱书生,这些人虽然有贼心,但是她还不怕自己被欺负了去。 She didn’t believe she was any worse than these weak scholars reardin fihtin. She wouldn’t be terrified even if they tried to attack her. 要论打架,自己不觉得会比这几个文弱书生差,要是他们敢对自己动武,自己也不怕。 These people all have weak physiques, which she could tell at a lance. They probably indule and enjoy theelves too ch, hollowin out their bodies. What was there to fear frosuch ety shells? They would be defeated by her wits and strenth anyway. 这些人身子骨都不结实,她一眼就看出来了,估计平时放纵太多,享受太多,把身子底都掏空了,这样的空壳子人有什么可惧怕的,斗智斗勇都是自己的手下败将