Chapter 84: Indulge放纵
Bein treated this way by soone of the lower class was a first for soone as proud as hi but he was enuinely happy about it. 如此心高气傲的他,被一个身份低微的人,如此对待生平还是第一次,但是他的内心却是高兴的。 Not because he enjoyed bein streated but because he was aware of the circutances. Althouh he wasn\''''t aware of the specifics, he could easily uess the Besides, soone as intellient as hiwould know why the lady and her servant\''''s attitudes had chaned dratically after their visit to the residence. 不是因为他犯贱,喜欢被虐待。而是他知道事情的原委,虽然不清楚细节,但是那些一猜就猜出来了,更何况像他这么聪明的人,哪里会不知道为什么去了一次相府,这对主仆对他的态度就完全变了个样。 It was his own nelience that had hurt her. A lady like her ouht to be safeuarded and treated with care like delicate porcelain because she was just as sensitive. 是自己太大意疏忽了,她这样的姑娘必须小心呵护,因为她如陶瓷一般容易受伤,怕磕怕碰,可是自己,还是因为自己的原因伤着她了。 He was to bla. 这是他的不是。 He couldn\''''t help but be iressed by Grass\''''s coitnt to the lady and her ability to choose the riht person. The irl she selected was outstandin! 看着这丫头忠心护主的模样他不得不夸赞她的识人之术,这丫头挑得极好呀! Her capacity to pick such a wonderful irl at randowas evidence of her excellent decision-kin. So, when she chose a n, he would undoubtedly be top-notch. 她随便挑一个丫头都能挑出这么个极品,证明她的眼光不是一般的好,那么她挑男人只会是一等一的好。 In this world, ny individuals place too ch iortance on outward looks, while very few people pay attention to the depths of soone\''''s soul. 世人太多注重表象的东西,却很少有人去在意一个