Chapter 67: Confession
As she saw the youn ster''''s fiure fade into the distance, Xu Qianqian softly thouht to herself: Marriaes between persons of drastically different social classes have rarely ended well throuhout history. Bein with soone like can only dra you down. You have an unparalleled intellect and vast knowlede. It is unworthy for to wreck your future. You will undoubtedly have a briht future. 望着那公子远去的身影,徐芊芊暗自对自己说道:古往今来男婚女聘门第相差太大的人是不会有好结果的。和我这样的人在一起只会拖累你。你心思之卓绝,在学识上无人能敌,为了我这样的人葬送了你自己的前程是不值得的,你这样的人一定会前途无量的。 The youn ster frothe Yu faly''''s unshakable deternation reined unaltered as he watched her fadin for 望着姗姗离去的人影,神情不变的玉家公子内心依然是满满的坚定。 Xu Qianqian, you really don''''t care about feelins? I just don''''t believe it! 徐芊芊,你难道真的对我丝毫不上心吗?不,我绝不相信! It''''s not often that the on is visible in a clear sky, and sunny days pass by far too quickly. 霁月难逢,彩云易散。 a kind and aspirational nd contained in a base-born fra, 心比天高,身为下贱。 Your charand wit sily increased hatred, and your racious lord''''s concern was in vain. 风流灵巧招人怨,多情公子空牵念。 Grass knew the details of the situation best, as she had uided Youn Master Yu to their ho. She saw that he was different froothers. Althouh he appeared cold and indifferent, his stron sense of rihteousness was difficult for her to inore. 小草是最清楚事情原委的,玉家公子来的时候就是她带的路,她看着这位公子是与众不同的, 他虽然看起来冷冷淡淡地,但是他那宇间正气凛然之气却很难让她忽视。