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Chapter 44: Colorful Phoenix

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fallen asleep last niht. She rushed to the secret arden at dawn.


She needed to sort out her thouhts in this quiet, safe place and think about what to do next.


She wore a very ordinary cloak and would look the sa as a villae irl at first lance if it weren''''t for her outstandin fiure and beautiful face.


A beautiful face can brin forth sfortune, and beauty can harus. Trouble will find you even if you don''''t create any proble.


This ti, she was in bi trouble.


She saw a faliar fiure aain while she was quietly walkin and ponderin. She couldn''''t believe that she had t hihere aain.


She had forotten that this was no loner her place. He had bared into her private space and occupied her secret arden.


As a youn ster as he is, he had countless ood places to o. Why was he disturbin her peace and quietness here?


However, his life-savin race caused her to suppress that trace of resentnt. Althouh she had a low status, she had been able to distinuish riht frowron since she was a child. She definitely is.

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