Chapter 44: Colorful Phoenix
You can''''t live a better life than . You can''''t live re coortably than . 你活得一定不能比我好,你生活得一定不能比我更舒适。 But Xu Qianqian was still able to escape this ti. She had planned everythin perfectly, but she did not expect that she would still be able to escape unscathed. 可是这一次还是让徐芊芊逃脱了,本来算无遗露,没有想到她还是能绝处逢生,毫发未伤地全身而退。 God, why were you so partial to her? Why were you takin care of her and inorin pain and sufferin? 苍天呀,你为什么要如此厚此薄彼,为什么如此照顾着她还漠视自己的痛苦和苦楚呢? …… Xu Qianqian still knew nothin about Colorful Phoenix''''s strule and sche. At this ti, she was still uthin to herself in her bed and strulin to fall asleep. 徐芊芊对于岳彩凤的挣扎和谋划至今都还是一无所知,她此时还正在自己的床上自言自语地给自己念着经让自己能够睡下。 "Have so rest, don''''t et distracted by other thins. Others can''''t defeat you. The re you can''''t be defeated by yourself. Be stron and relax as you can." “睡吧!睡吧!可别分神啊!你不能被打败,更不能被自己打败。要尽可能地坚强,要尽可能地放松。” But there was nothin in her life that was worth bein happy about. She thouht about it and thouht re about it, and finally, the last bit of happiness was still in the secret arden. 但是她绞尽脑汁地想开心的事,可是她的人生真没有什么值得她高兴的事情,最后她想到了那处秘密花园,那可能是她记忆中唯一的快乐了。 "Sleep. Go to sleep. I''''ll be there torrow rnin!" She tried to hypnotize herself. 她自我催眠说:“睡吧,睡吧,明天天一亮,我就去那里!” …… Althouh she still had panda-like dark eye circles when she ot up in the rnin, at least she had