Chapter 7: Live a Happy Life
你不去招惹麻烦,麻烦也会来找你,离开之前自己必须要有保护自己的能力,否则一切都是空谈。 I never thouht I''''d rry soone, thouh I was surrounded by these youn sters every day, sinin and dancin to please the There are countless exales like Du Shinian Sinks the Hundred Treasure Boxes in our industry, but ny are less faus than her. That''''s why their stories are not well-known. 虽然我每日都周旋在那些富贵公子们身边卖笑卖唱,但是我从来没有奢想过从这些公子哥儿们中选一人托付终身,杜十娘怒沉百宝箱这样的例子在我们这个行业数不胜数,只是很多名气太小不为世人所知罢了。 Since ancient tis, a princess rries a prince, and a lady froa renowned faly rries a youn ster froa well-known faly. The Noble and wealthy falies are ood at usin diplotic rriae to join hands or et what they lack, usin the resources they have in their hands to exchane the resources they do not have but need. 自古公主嫁王子,名门许世家,那些高门大户,世家名门最善于联姻联手和交换,用自己手里所掌握的资源去换取别人手里那些自己没有但想要得到的资源。 The re prosperous and powerful their falies are, the better they are at exchanin resources. Only the lower class who will believe and try their best rely on luck. 家业越大,门第越高的人越擅长资源交换,唯有底层人才会相信并且钻破脑袋去寻求所谓的“运气”。 However, nothin in the world is free. If you are lookin for free and rely only on luck, you can only et the thins below your status or be cheated. 但是世间从来就没有绝对免费的东西,若自己一心追求免费,依靠运气,那么就只能得到和自己条件不对等的资源和力量,或者被骗。 A person''''s value is self-awareness, and I aaware of that very well. 人贵在自知,而我很有自知之明。 An entertainnt parlor is a place for bad n and won. How can you possibl