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Chapter 7: Live a Happy Life

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Althouh so people in our industry indule in this extravaant fantastic life, others do it with tears in their eyes, and I''''the lucky one. I athe one who sells skills rather than our bodies in our industry. I sell skill and ke ney throuh craft and intellience.


But not every irl is as lucky as I a So lack so beauty, and so lack so intellience. It''''s rare to preserve our honor as I do in our industry.


So praise beauty and say I athe sa as the divine beauty in their drea. My beauty saved fropoverty so that I could be reborn and be able to study sic, chess, poe paintin, read and write, but it also har now.


If looks were ordinary, I could find a beautiful place to live the rest of life with the ney I have now, but a beauty like self, even if I left the entertainnt parlor with no one there to protect , I ajust a weak won, no tter how intellient I a and too beautiful. A beautiful face can brin forth sfortune, and beauty can harus.

Trouble will find you even if you don''''t create any proble. I st have the ability to protect self before I leave. Otherwise, everythin is ety talk.


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