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Chapter 86: Indulge

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if we love each other. I cherish life re than anythin, and I won\''''t bet life for anyone, includin you, youn ster.\"

“一切后果由你来承担?有什么用? 你只是一个读书人,而我像一只蚂蚁一样弱小。哪怕我们俩彼此相爱,也是不能在一起的。我珍惜我的性命胜过一切,我不会拿我的性命去开玩笑,去赌任何人,这里面也包括公子你。”

\"I astroner than you thouht, I…\"


\"I don\''''t care about your thins. I just care about ne. Just leave. You and I are just not ant to be in this life. I will rry you if I can be a proper lady in next life.\"


He\''''s a wise n. He can infer the anin of three phrases froone statent I ke. He is a brilliant individual who is a reat chess player who can anticipate ves ten ves in advance.


More conversation with soone like that will only result in re errors.


Explainin could ke it worse. So I\''''d instead not explain because soone sees definin as coverin up. Coverin up ans it\''''s the truth!


His initial disinterest in was followed by civility, then surprise when we reconnected, and finally, disappearance.


He treated her differently the followin ti he showed up. He started to approach re overtly. His affection and desire for beca re evident and stron the re he connected with and ca to unders

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