Chapter 77: Unfold挑明
"I thouht son intellient and perceptive froan early ae, and he st have been a ood jude of people. I thouht you were the srtest and st talented an sons, but unexpectedly, you are the st stupid. Arroant and conceited, with no sense of proportion! I hope you achieve the hihest score in the ierial exanation." “我以为我的儿子从小就独立聪慧,他看人也一定非常地准。我以为你是我所有儿子中最聪明、最有才华的,但没想到你却是最愚蠢的一个。狂妄自大,不知分寸!我盼着你科举蟾宫折桂金榜题名。” "A dinified youn ster of the Yu faly will rry a lowly prostitute as his wife. How will others ck you? It’s a disrace to the educated class." “堂堂玉家公子,竟然要娶一个身份卑微的□□为妻,这该让他人如何去取笑你?真是有辱斯文呢!” "A respectable youn ster of the Pri Mister is rryin a sinin irl. Aren''''t you afraid that people will criticize you for disracin your faly''''s na?" “堂堂相府公子居然娶一个歌姬,难道不怕别人骂你有辱斯文吗?” "She is not a prostitute but a renowned entertainer. That’s totally different." “她不是□□,是歌姬,这是两个概念!” "Why would you like soone like her? What is ood about her? There are countless noble ladies you could have loved, yet you chose to fall for a lowly entertainer. Do you have no sense of sha? Where is the wise wisdoyou learned frothe sacred books of saes?" “你为什么会看上她这样的人?她到底有哪点好?多少名门淑女你不爱,偏偏爱上一个身份下贱的歌妓,你究竟有没有羞耻之心呀?你的圣贤书都读哪里去了?” "Whether you accept her or not, future will have her in it." “无论你们能不能接受她,我未来的人生里必须要有她。” "So, you an you''''re oin to sever all ties with for the sake of this outsider? Y