Chapter 69: Confession
"We coon folk cannot afford to irritate these snake-like people. Fihtin thewould be like a th flyin into a fla, lookin for our own destruction. “条条蛇咬人哪,这些人都不是我们这种身份的人能去招惹的,鸡蛋碰石头只能飞蛾扑火自寻死路呀! Those with lack skills are unable to defend their own interests and are instead just taken advantae of. 能力太差的人是维护不了自己的利益的,只能被剥削。 People are different, and while birth does not always decide one''''s fate, it has a sinificant iact on it. 人与人之间千差万别,一个人的出生不一定会注定一个人的命运,却在很大层度上决定的一个人的命运。 We st be as touh as rass because we were born as lowly as rass. Only by endurin the burnin of wildfires and rerowin with the sprin wind can we stay alive. 我们生来就如草一样低贱,所以只能如草一样坚强,野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,如此才能生存下去。 Don''''t coare yourself to those well-born youn ladies. Althouh we are all huns, we belon to two different worlds. 不要拿自己去和那些有身份的小姐们比,我们虽然都是人,但是也是两个世界的人。 They were born precious like jewels, cherished and protected by others, while we were born as lowly as rass, traled upon and oppressed. 他们因为出生,就如珠宝一样宝贵,被人,被人呵护,而我们出生如草一样低贱,被人践踏欺凌。 We have no protection frothe wind or rain, so those who can survive st be extraordinarily resilient. We strule throuh the seasons—wind and rain, bitter cold, huner, and the arduous search for food, an other hardships. 能生存下去的都是生命力很顽强的人,因为我们没有遮风挡雨之地,春夏秋冬,风吹雨打,寒风瑟瑟,饥肠辘辘,辛苦的觅食之路…等等。 Life can be obtained throuh one''''s own efforts, and s