Chapter 56: Unyielding
I asoone who lives in the darkness. However, I lon for sunliht and hope. 我是一个生活在黑暗中的人,可是我渴望阳光和希望。 I ain the d, but I try best to et out of it without bein stained, to wash clean without bein teted. 我身处在淤泥之中,但是我想尽办法拼尽一切的让自己出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。 Maybe I ainsane, but a person has to have a belief, a pursuit, a oal, and a direction in life. 也许我不正常,但是一个人活下去就必须有一个信念,有所追求,有一个目标,有一个方向。 That was oal, direction, and drea 这就是我的目标,这就是我的方向,这就是我的梦想。 Althouh pursuit is as difficult as reachin the sky for , althouh such pursuit is easy for ordinary youn ladies born into a little better faly, it is out of reach for soone like . 虽然我的追求于我来说难于登天,虽然这样的追求对于一般出生稍微好一点的姑娘们来说是唾手可及的,但是于我这样的人来说却是可望而不可及的。 I could only bla self for not bein able to reincarnate well. Why did I have to be born into such a faly? 怪只怪我不会投胎,为什么偏偏要生在那样的家庭? We were penniless and starvin. It was a blessin for us to row up without any disabled. 家徒四壁,忍饥挨饿,能四肢发达没有残疾的长大都是万幸。 I shouldn''''t have entered this industry. I was youn and inorant at that ti. I just wanted to study calliraphy and didn''''t want to be illiterate. However, I de one stake after another. 怪只怪我不该入了这个行业,当初年少无知,只想着能读书习字就好,不做一个文盲就好,可是一步错,步步错。 Back then, I could have entered another industry. I could be a id of soone. That would be a hundred tis better than what I anow! 当年我不一定非要入这个行业