Chapter 41: Colorful Phoenix
He lied to her usin those sweet words and de her his won. After a period, he just disappeared and never ca to the entertainnt parlor aain. 在得到自己的身子,哄骗自己陪了他一段时间后。他居然人间蒸发再也不曾来这歌伎坊了。 All her sincere love went in vain. 她的一腔真情却没有换来他实现自己的承诺。 He was just like the clouds in the sky, and he took his leave very quietly as quiet as he ca here; 他就像那天上的云一样轻轻的来,也轻轻的走了。 He waved oodbye to the rosy clouds in the western sky quietly. 他轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。 He flicked his sleeves ently with not even a wisp of cloud he would brin away. 他挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。 For the n, it was just a short rontic love affair for enjoynt. An opportunity for a ronce y arise, which was likely to be excitin, thouh short-lived. He had left nothin behind, and it would cause nothin to hiin the future, but to the won, it had chaned her fate. 他们这段露水鸳鸯对于身为男子的他来说是一段快乐的享受,只是一个短暂的激动人心的艳遇。 离开后片叶不沾身,而对身为女子的她来说这段露水姻缘却改变了自己的命运。 She had beco a real prostitute who sold her body rather than her skills. The boss lauhed happily as if it was nothin, but she had lived in hell ever since. 她从原来的卖艺不卖身现在沦为了真正的□□,妈妈像什么事都没有发生一样笑得数钱数到乐开花,可自己却从那天开始一直活在人间地狱中… Think back. She shared the sa interests with that youn ster, and they were attracted to each other. They occasionally coosed poe and san toether. 想当初她与那王孙公子志趣相投、情投意合,常一起花前月下赋诗弹唱。 She once thouht their love was like