Chapter 39: Third Meet
The old sayin oes: "Marriae is set by the parents and sealed by the tchkers." Naturally, she had a say as their ther, but these rules were set for other kids not workin for her sons, especially her second son. 这自古常言说得好,说什么父母之命,媒妁之言。作为他的母亲,关于自己儿子的婚事她自然做得了主的。可是这些那是针对别家的孩子,对自己的几个儿子并不太适用,尤其是自己这个第二子。 "I think I''''d better not interfere in this too ch." She uthed to herself. Lookin at her son leavin leisurely and racefully, she sihed with happiness and frustration. 等自己儿子离开后,她自言自语道:“我觉得这事我还是不便过多干涉才好,真是儿大不由娘呀。”望着如行云流水般离去的儿子,她半是感慨,半是高兴。 A conceited son st have an arroant ther. She trusted her son''''s judnt too ch, so she let hidecide on his rriae. As her second son, he had been independent and intellient since childhood and had rown up in a free-rane parentin way. 自负的儿子定然也有个自负的母亲,她太相信自己儿子的眼光了,所以就真的放手让他自己决定自己的婚事,她这个二儿子自小独立聪慧,一直是放养式地成长的。 She had rarely had to worry about this child. Since childhood, he had been a ture and sensible child, and her second son was coetent. If he didn''''t want to tell her, even if she wanted to, it would not be easy for her to find out. 这个孩子几乎没有让她操过什么心,他从小就是一个成熟稳重做事很有分寸的孩子,更何况自己这个二儿子可是个极有本事的,他不愿意说,哪怕是她想查也不是那么轻易能够查得到的。 She had always been a lovin ther, and her son had always been filial. Why bother to do useless thins to hurt their relationship? 她母子一直以来都是母慈子孝的,何必多此一举伤了母子感情呢? She trusted her son and trusted her judnt even re. 她相信自己的儿子