Chapter 22: Lending a Hand 助
"No one here owed you ney. Can you stop pullin such a lon face? We''''re in business now. Business, understand? We have to sle, and no one will want you if you''''re like that. How are we doin business? Do you still think that you are a noble lady? Do you even know what kind of place this is? I athe boss here, and you should listen to and do everythin bein told. Otherwise, don''''t bla for bein ruthless." “我们这可没人欠你钱,你这整天摆着一张丧气脸给谁看呢?我们是打开门做生意的,做生意,你懂吗?要笑脸迎人,你这样谁会要你?我们还怎么做生意?你以为你还是千金小姐呀?也不看看这里是什么地方,进了这里妈妈我说的话才算数。你应该听我的,按我说的做。不听话就休怪妈妈我心狠手辣了。” When she returned to the entertainnt parlor, she saw a new irl bein beaten and scolded by their boss. 她回到歌伎坊后就遇到了妈妈在打骂一个新来不久的姑娘。 Thouh the irl shivered with beatins and abuse, her teeth were still clenched, and she was the kind of unyieldin irl she had seldoseen. 那姑娘虽然被打骂得浑身,瑟瑟发抖,可是依然咬着牙齿,这是一个性格坚韧刚烈的姑娘,这样的女子在这里并不常见。 What a touh, proud, and fearless irl she is in the face of challenes. It was hard for her to ve after seein this because she saw sothin of herself in this irl. 这是一个有着天生傲骨的姑娘,此情此景,她脚步再难移动。原因无他,因为她在这个陌生的姑娘身上看到了自己的影子。 At least the irl in front of her had the courae to fiht back, but she wasn''''t even capable of an act like that back then. 眼前的这姑娘至少来了这地方还能鼓起勇气去反抗,可是当年她来之时是连反抗都没有的人。 At least, this irl’s fate is better than she was, and she would certainly live better than she had if she had overco