Chapter 15: Second Meet 二见
"Your Hihness, thanks for thinkin hihly of . I wish to stay at the Ierial Collee and learn re because I''''not knowledeable enouh to serve the country now." But he refused politely. “多谢殿下抬爱,雨均现在的学识还不足以为国效力,所以雨均希望能继续留在国子监学习钻研。”但是他却委婉地拒绝了。 He has been intellient since childhood but is indifferent to fa and power and has no aition or aspiration. 他虽然自小绝顶聪明,只可惜天性淡泊名利没有什么野心和抱负。 So it’s hard for hito do reat and ke his na o down in history. 所以他很难成为一个丰功伟绩名垂青史的人。 …… "My Lady, slow down. It''''s windy outside. You stn''''t catch a cold. Plus, put on the cloak quickly.” Do you want to o with you? ” “姑娘,你慢点儿,外面风很大小心着凉了,快把这件披风穿上吧!要不我陪你一起去吧?” "No. I want to o alone, and I won''''t stay lon. Don''''t worry about . I''''ve been there ny tis. I avery faliar with that place. You know , I just want to enjoy the quietness and relax. I won''''t have it if you o with ." “不用了我想一个人去,而且我不会呆太久。不用担心你我,我去过那很多次了。我对那个地方很熟悉。你知道我的,我就是想一个人享受这份安静,放松自我。如果你跟着我我就享受不到了。” I walked throuh the crowd with cloak, hued self tihtly, and I didn''''t feel cold as I stepped out into the bitter cold air. 我裹着披风穿过人群,我紧紧抱住自己。当我迎着凛冽的寒风走着走着,身上渐渐地感觉不到寒冷了。 The street was crowded with people. There was a twinkle of wonder in their eyes when they saw this youn beauty. 街上熙来攘往的行人,看着这个年轻貌美的女孩,都有几分惊艳的目光。 So were older people, and there were even three or fou