Chapter 11: First Meet
"Don''''t worry, I just o out for a stroll and enjoy the cool wind. I like so cool wind to clear up nd." “不要担心,我就是出来吹吹风散散步,醒醒神。” A oddess is indeed a oddess. Even her voice is so beautiful. 仙子就是仙子,即使是声音也是如此动听。 "My Lady, you''''ve been out for so lon. The people inside are askin you and will co to you if you are not back." “姑娘,你已经出来很久了,再不回去他们就会出来找你。” After hearin this, the irl''''s sle was one, and she seed to hide her sorrow. She answered lihtly: " Got it, let''''s o back." 听到此,姑娘脸上的笑容没有了,突然黯然神伤起来,淡淡地回去:“知道了,我们回去。” He is indeed the Pri Minister''''s son. He zoned out only for a nt and was able to co to his senses very soon. The irl standin on the opposite boat seed to sense their lance and turned to look at thesuddenly. 玉雨均不愧为相国公子,他虽然一瞬间失神,但是很快就反应过来,而对面船头的女子似乎是感觉到了他们看她的视线,于是转过头来朝这群公子望去。 They looked at each other, eye to eye. They were so scared that their hearts were thuin like crazy. There was no tenderness in this irl’s eyes but coldness. 四目相对,众公子心中猛地跳了一下,那样的目光没有少女的温柔,却透着冷意。 She is such a beauty, and she looks like a oddess con froa paintin. Her every vent and every sle carries eleance and has a defiant aura around her. It''''s hard to take their eyes off her after seein her, but why does she have such a uarded and distanced lance? 这样一个女人,简直就像是从漫画书里走出来的画中仙,一颦一笑一动一静举手投足中都带着一股子优雅和灵气,让人只是看一眼就不忍移开目光,可是为何会有着那样疏离戒备的目光? She