Chapter 9: First Mee 一见
I ot out of the boat and stood on the bow aainst the wind. 我出了画船,迎着风立于船头。 So say I aa ney rubber because I only care about ney rather than people, no tter who it is. Soone says that I arefined and out of the ordinary, just like the oddess. I look down on the people in industry, includin self. 有人说我掉进了钱袋子里,因为我只看钱而不认人,对谁都如此,有人说我清新脱俗不染凡尘,其实是我自己内心也看不起风尘中的男男女女,我自己也是嫌弃我自己的。 The so-called refined and out-of-ordinary are just the surface. If you''''ve seen the essence beneath the surface, you will discover I aa contradiction irl. 所谓的清新脱俗不染凡尘那不过是表象,如果你透过表象看到本质就会发现实际上是我自己本身是一个矛盾体。 I was doin what I hated and becon a person I disliked, ot an identity I loathed the st. 我做着自己讨厌的事,成为了一个自己嫌弃的人,拥有一个自己非常厌弃的身份。 Life is such a contradiction, but now I have no way to solve this contradiction. We have to live on, althouh daily life is in contradiction. 人生就是这么矛盾,奈何现在的我没有办法去破解这个矛盾,日子虽然在矛盾中度过,可是也总要过下去。 I sneaked out alone and enjoyed the wind on the river because I was tired of this kind of life. I like to be alone in such a quiet place. I can be self only at tis like this. 我厌倦了画船上灯红酒绿的买笑卖唱的画面,所以自己偷偷地一个人溜了出来,吹吹这河面上的风,透透气,我就喜欢一个人就这般安安静静地呆着,似乎只有在这个时候,我才真正找到了自我,我才真正是我自己。 The five lakes tour, the worry everywhere. Floatin and sinkin throuh the aes, and who asked the East? 落日五湖游,烟波处处愁。浮沉千古事,谁与问东流? A plain skirt irl stood on the bow aainst the wind—