第13章 On-site observation and special interview1
power of a philosopher lies in the discovery of the relations and laws of things, the observation power of a criminal investigator lies in the identification of truth and falsehood, and the observation power of a reporter should include all the above capabilities. Different interviewees and interviewers have different requirements for reporters' observation.
Reporters should observe carefully, make full use of organs such as "sight" and "hearing", observe the interview site and surrounding environment, observe all people and things related to the interview, and effectively collect information.
American scholar Melvin Manchel said in the book "News Reporting and Writing": "A reporter must learn to observe the world with childlike eyes. He sees everything as new and distinctive. At the same time, he must use the eyes of an intelligent elder to penetrate the world, and be able to distinguish between meaningful and meaningless things." ①
There are five basic requirements for a reporter's observation to be sensitive:
(1) You need to see clearly -- for news events and news scenes, you can see clearly the general picture after a "glance". (2) We should be able to see accurately -- we can not only see the scene clearly, but also recognize the appearance and fake image.
(3) We should be able to see the characteristics from the general, the differences from the similarities, and the clues from the hidden phenomena.
(4) Look fast -- catch the wonderful mom